Observatory of Atmospheric Physics in Reunion

Identity sheet

Scientific manager
Valentin Duflot

Creation date :
2003 (site IPSL), 2010 (site OSU-R)

The oldest series of observations :
Total O3 column per SAOZ: 1993-present

Technical Manager : Yann Hello

Frequency of research project campaigns : ~4/year

Station’s scientific pilot laboratory(ies) :
LACy, LaMP, LATMOS (40% of the park with PI and co-I ext.)

Other laboratories involved in the station’s scientific management : LSCE, LOA, LAERO, IGE, IASB, U. Colorado

Partnerships/agreements with other organizations : IASB, NASA

Existence of prospects for certification in an SNO, a national IR, a national network : National Facility candidate in the ACTRIS IR, WMO/GRUAN certification in progress.

Labels obtained by OPAR :
