The OMNCG “Observations des Milieux Naturels et des Changements Globaux” research federation focuses on the observation and study of the dynamics and evolution of natural environments. This federation includes all the themes covered by OSU-Réunion: terrestrial and marine ecology, earth physics and geography. Based on OSU-R’s observation and analysis capabilities in natural environments, its main aim is to federate interdisciplinary research between laboratories, support laboratories in proposing more ambitious projects to other regional, national and European/international funding windows, and boost our scientific output. The Federation can also ensure better transmission of knowledge to public authorities, support technological research and the development of computing and mathematical tools, and encourage the establishment of collaborations for SHS research in its fields.
This federation initiates and adds value to the laboratories’ own programs by creating a real scientific dynamic on cross-disciplinary projects of a multi-disciplinary nature, between existing research structures on which it will build. The main actions of this research federation are the missions of the OSU-R, which guide its operation:
- promote innovative interdisciplinary research initiatives,
- promote exchanges with the outside world
- promoting training through research
The OSU-R Scientific Committee acts as the OMNCG federation’s scientific advisory board. The first call for projects was launched in September 2010, with subsequent calls for proposals issued annually at the end of the calendar year, around November. Projects are then evaluated at the Scientific Committee meeting in January or February of the following calendar year.