Observatory of the sciences of the universe of Reunion island
Organization of OSU-R
The OSU-R’s governance structure comprises a Board, administered by a person from outside the OSU-R and elected by its Board, and an Executive Board comprising the Director, Deputy Director, Technical Director and Administrator.
Governance is supported by a Committee of Unit Directors, a Scientific Committee and steering committees and/or observation station user committees. The OSU-R organization chart below sets out this structure and its 3 founding missions.
The lifeblood of the OSU-R is the Research and Support Unit (UAR 3365), to which the supervisory authorities allocate operating and development resources, including human resources, the payroll of contract staff and financial resources (state subsidies).
The OSU-R develops its own resources (projects, contracts, etc.), which are managed by the UAR. Its organizational chart is shown below, and covers all technical, administrative and management services.