As part of an ERASMUS+ program, three OSU-Réunion employees visited Mauritius. Hosted by Vincent Florens (Professor of Ecology at the Department of Biosciences and Ocean Studies, University of Mauritius) and Claudia Baider (Head of the National Mauritius Herbarium), they took part in a field training course on ecosystem preservation and restoration.
The course, which took place mainly in the field, covered two themes relating to island rainforests:
- the problem of invasive species (Macaque monkey, wild pig, or Guava and Ravenale) which threaten endemic plant (Tambalacoque, Harungana) and animal (Pink pigeon, Bat) species in Mauritius.
- carbon sequestration measures in tropical island forests.
A visit to the Ebony Forest reserve with Nicolas Zuel (Conservation Manager) also provided an insight into the restoration and preservation actions implemented by these semi-private players, as well as the difficulties encountered.
This bilingual mission to Mauritius, rich in scientific and technical exchanges, brought real added value to studies of forest ecosystems on Reunion Island.