The global RenovRisk project is an integrated and innovative research project on the natural hazards associated with tropical cyclones in the South-West Indian Ocean basin. It comprises several projects, the first of which, RenovRisk-TRANSFERTS, focuses on cyclonic hazards in a workshop area in western Reunion: “Massif du Maïdo – Littoral – Lagon”.

The RenovRisk-TRANSFERT proposal was submitted on 30/09/2015 to the call for projects of the ERDF PO 2014-2020, in Thematic Objective 1 “RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION 2015 – 1” and in ACTION 1.04 (Improving skills for the knowledge economy). The timetable for Région Réunion’s response is not yet known.

This project is coordinated by the OSU-R (Jean-Pierre Cammas, Director of the OSU-R) under the supervision of the Université de La Réunion. Several OSU-R units are involved in the RenovRisk-TRANSFERT project: the OSU-R UMS, LACy, LGSR, Espace-DEV and ENTROPIE. Several OSU-R partners are contributing to the project: BRGM/Réunion, DIRRE-OI/Réunion, Agorah/Réunion, Sciences Réunion, IRSTEA/Anthony, and LDO/IUEM.

The TRANSFERTS project focuses on the natural hazards associated with cyclones landing on Reunion Island, and more specifically on the West microregion, using the Maïdo massif, the coastal strip between St Paul and St Leu, the back-reef lagoon and the open ocean as working zones, depending on the position on the coast. Its general objective is to analyze how cyclonic hazards are transferred between the natural environments of the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the coastal environment (defined as including the coastline itself, the coastline, the lagoon and its reef barrier), and the open ocean. Hazards are transferred in two main directions, firstly from the atmosphere to the hydrosphere and coastline, and secondly from the open ocean to the coastline.

The slides below describe the main actions of this proposal:
